• To contribute to the improvement of the overall quality of English language teacher education in Turkey, both pre-service and in-service, by:
o encouraging effective teacher education practices
o making recommendations to relevant stakeholders and policy-makers
• To provide a forum for English language teacher educators to discuss and share their practices, experiences and research
• To promote collaborative research and suggest direction for future research
• To disseminate research findings and create a common database of findings and resource
• To provide guidance and support for less experienced English language teacher educators in the field
We aim to accomplish the above by:
• Holding an annual colloquium (June)
o Presentations and discussions
• Creating a website for English language teacher educators/ researchers in Turkey
o Link to wiki for teacher research/classroom research/exploratory practice
o Link to conferences in Turkey
o Links to relevant websites, blogs, online resources, etc
o Links to dissemination of colloquium outcomes
o Links to database of English language teacher education research findings
• Holding yearly committee meetings (January)